The History
Can’t find out too much on this place. The restaurant appears to have been closed sometime around 2004-2006, based on servicing stickers on the appliances in the kitchen. That said, the food in the kitchen was much more up to date, with a bottle of soft drink expiring in 2020. The upstairs looks to have been inhabited by persons unknown until 2018, with TV’s and other appliances still there, along with cupboards full of clothes.
The Explore
Located on a busy road, I managed to get inside and have a poke around. Amazingly, the site was still connected to electricity so I’ve no idea who was picking up the bill. The kitchen benches were covered in mould, whch despite being laid out neatly obviously weren’t cleaned very well. The bedrooms had family photos and the like so it’s as if the owner/residents just left one day and never returned.
The Photos
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