An abandoned chateau filled with vintage computers and cars. What’s not to like?!
Built in the 18th century, the Chateau once housed a famous family of French nobility until 1791, when, during the French revolution, the family fled to nearby Switzerland and became one of the last remaining members of French nobility. During the revolution, the chateau was burnt down and rebuilt in the 19th century, where the chateau was then owned by a wealthy family of ironmasters, while later in the 20th century, the chateau was owned by the Duchy, and then a Baron of the region. It appears that between this time and 2015, the site was used as an office building, judging from the computer paraphernalia laying about. A night club also appears to have been set up in the basement around this time. In 2015, a society was set up for the restoration of the site, since the site was not listed as protected and therefore unable to be restored through public money. In 2016, the chateau experienced severe damage with a staircase and some internal structures collapsing. Still, the site was listed for sale by the society for 980,000€ in 2016.
Postcard of the Chateau (date unknown)
The Explore
The last time I went urbexing it was cold and snowing, and again, three months later, it was once again cold and snowing. After a longish drive to get there, we wandered about and took some fantastic photos. The computers laying in snow was a special treat, as was the old Triumph laying about in the garage waiting for some attention to get the old girl purring again.
The photos
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